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Happiness Is A Habit. Five Ways to Practice Your Happiness.

On August 7, 2016, Posted by , In Blog,Confidence,Happiness,Stress,Uncategorized, With No Comments

For years, I believed tangible things would made me happy. I would go shopping because 1) I was bored, 2) going through emotional pain, or 3) trying to keep up with the Joneses. There were only so many things I could buy before I realized I didn’t really want those…

Five Ways to Boost Your Confidence & Self-Esteem When Experiencing Hair Loss

Losing your hair can be very traumatic especially if your hair loss is beyond your control. When you are losing your hair you become very conscientious. I know from experience because I experienced temporary hair loss due as part of my post-partum pregnancy. Although you are experiencing hair loss, do…

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