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For years, I believed tangible things would made me happy. I would go shopping because 1) I was bored, 2) going through emotional pain, or 3) trying to keep up with the Joneses. There were only so many things I could buy before I realized I didn’t really want those things in the first place. Some things I bought cost me more of a hassle once I had it in my possession. Have you ever done that, bought things for the sake of buying and thinking it would make you happy?


It took me a while to realize the poor habit I had developed trying to find my happiness. It turned out I bought things based off of my emotions. Until I got to the root cause of my problem, I was never truly happy. Once I became aware of my spending habits and identified the root cause of my problem, I addressed the issue.


I know you have heard the saying before, “Happiness is a state of mind.” That statement is true. Happiness is also a habit that must be practiced daily. Once I began to deal with my issues and fears head on, my perspective on happiness changed. Let me be blunt. Learning to change your old habits is hard. It takes commitment, time, patience, and consistency! On my journey to correcting the old habits I developed, I learned five ways to practice being happy and I would like to share them with you.


To change your habit and improve your happiness, acknowledge:


  1. Happiness is a choice. You must choose the focus of your attention. Negative thinking is the fastest way to kill your happiness.
  2. You can’t change or control other people.
  3. When you stop basing your happiness off of the opinions and permission from others, your life will go smoother.
  4. Changing your environment and circle of friends is crucial. If the people you hang around with have the same mindset as yours, you won’t grow as a person. You will remain stagnant.
  5. You are creating busy work just for the sake of being busy. Focus on one or two things. Once you’ve accomplished those tasks, then move onto the next tasks.


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Written by prutlin

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